Chichester Community

2023 Meeting - 29 August





The Dorset, Lewes

29 August 2023 7.00pm


Present: Brian Causton (BC), Gordon Mankelow (GM), Jim Whelan (JW), Will Miller (WM), Cheryl Deamer (CD), Maggie Maynard (MM), Della Bowley (DB) Kerem Tohma (KT)

  1. Apologies for absence - None

  1. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

    1. CD will check with Ian Lichfield what present would be appropriate to thank Dave Lichfield for his services to Sussex fencing. (Action CD)

    2. BC is in the process of arranging dual signatories for DB: NatWest should have sent a signatory form via email. (Action: BC, DB)

    3. DK will take a look at the Sussex website and assess possible changes: upgrade, move, refresh etc WM would provide access and documentation. (Action: DK, WM)

    4. BC noted that AllEntries had paid over competition income and that there was a £60 loss on the 2023 Sussex Teams event. The committee considered this acceptable.

    5. JW asked that 'Competition Manager' not be added to his formal committee role of 'Awards Manager'.

  1. 2023 Sussex Open – Planning

    1. CD related how she had contacted many venues concerning the preferred weekend of 11-12 November; most had no availability, though she was waiting on several to respond, including Sussex University and BACA. BC would forward contact details for BACA to CD. (Action: BC) A size of 8 badminton courts is required over an entire weekend, so this rules out many venues.

    2. A Committee Zoom meeting would be arranged once a venue and date can be confirmed to further organise the event (Action: WM)

  1. Calendar Planning

    1. Given school term dates, other competitions and holidays, the following dates and venues were preferred:


Likely Venue


Preferred date

Sussex Open

BACA, Chichester

(Action: CD)

8 courts

8-16 pistes

11-12 Nov 2023

Junior Teams (U14 and U16 epee and foil)

Novice foil


(Action: BC)

4 courts

<8 pistes

17 December 2023

SE Region Epee


(Action: BC)

4 courts

8 pistes

09 March 2024

Senior County individuals


(Action: CD)

4 courts

8 pistes

18 May 2024

Junior Foil and Epee (U10/12/14/16)


(Action: CD)

4 courts

8 pistes

19 May 2024

Senior Teams (6W) plus AGM


(Action: BC)

4 courts

<8 pistes

22-23 June 2024

    1. The committee noted the need to provide sufficient referees and competition managers for more complex events, especially junior competitions where self-refereeing is not practical. (Action: All)

    2. Venue dates and times to be confirmed at the abovementioned Zoom meeting (3.b).

    3. The Novice Foil would be held at the same time as the junior teams.

    4. BC to check with SE Fencing that they are happy for Sussex to run the SE Epee (Action: BC)

  1. Equipment issues – performance, purchases, repairs

    1. GM noted trouble with box controllers and the committee agreed that batteries should be removed from controllers after every competition. Also, 2 new Favero controllers be bought as spares. (Action: BC, DB)

    2. GM noted that one of the pistes had a lot of dead patches. The committee agreed to purchase another piste. BC to get quotes for a piste. (Action: BC)

  1. Cadet/Junior pathway explained...

    1. WM noted that an explanatory guide is needed to distribute to parents and club explaining cadet/junior competitions: the ranking points system, the age groupings and opportunities. He volunteered to write such a guide. (Action: WM)

    2. MM offered to asked Marc Chapman, who also has issues with recognition of dual nationalities at Kings School (Action: MM)

    3. CD offered to discuss with Ian Lichfield who is working in this area with BF, to gain BF's policies and insights (Action: CD)

  1. Any Other Business

    1. BC asked to buy a cage to store Sussex gear in his garage; the committee noting that two cages might be more practical, rather than one very large one. GM offered to lend BC a small cage from Lewes Club, noting that it was donated by Waitrose. The committee agreed BC should purchase a cages or cages as best suits his garage in addition to the cage lent by Lewes. (Action: BC, GM)

    2. JM noted that the County Colours badges appear to be missing. BC would look in amongst his medals, otherwise new badges would need to be ordered. (Action: BC)

    3. GM noted that there are insufficient coaching and referee courses in Sussex. Coaching courses especially are too far away to be of practical use.

      • CD noted that L1 coaching could be done online.

      • CD would also investigate whether Luke, Sarah and/or Chiara could do a referee course to coincide with one or more of the Sussex fencing competitions over the coming year (Action: CD)

      • DB suggested that Sussex might financially support coach development, which was considered positively. Also, MM would reach out to Peter Howse of England fencing who might offer financial support for coaching courses. (Action: MM)

Meeting adjourned: 8pm


PROGRESS AGAINST ACTIONS (Completed events are shaded. Older completions are deleted.)





CD to consult with Ian Lichfield about a “thank you” for Dave Lichfield (CD)

29 Aug 23: CD would speak to IL in the coming week.

2 Aug 22: CD noted that IL hasn't been to Crawley Club very frequently.


Venue details and dates to be confirmed for the 23-24 season

29/08/23: BC to pass BACA contact details to CD

29/08/23: CD to try to confirm venue dates for the Sussex Open and the Senior County and Junior events

29 Aug 23: BC to confirm Longhill venue for the SE epee, the Senior Teams



29/08/23: BC to get quotes for a new piste

29 Aug 23: BC to purchase two Favero controllers as spares.

29 Aug 23: If necessary, BC to buy a cage to store Sussex gear in his garage.

29 Aug 23: Batteries are to be removed from controllers post competition. All.


Junior fencing guide

29 Aug 23: WM to produce a guide to cadet/junior fencing, including ages groups, rankings, selection and weapon sizes.

29 Aug 23: CD to speak to Ian Lichfield about BF's approach to organising cadet/junior events

29 Aug 23: MM to speak to Marc Chapman about his experiences with junior fencing


Coaching and refereeing in Sussex

29 Aug 23: CD to investigate whether Luke, Sarah and/or Chiara could do a referee course to coincide with one or more of the Sussex fencing competitions over the coming year

29 Aug 23: MM would reach out to Peter Howse of England fencing who might offer financial support for coaching courses


County Colours

29 Aug 23: Missing colours badges. BC to check medals box. If not, more County Colours would need to be ordered.

30 Jul 23: Colours to be awarded to:

  • Harry Gray;

  • Jamie Briggs

  • Isaac Jolley;

  • Chiara McDermot;

  • Rosie Whitacker; and

  • Brian Causton

  • Cheryl Deamer


Arrange an online account with dual signatories (BC)

29 Aug 23: BC contacted NatWest who sent out online signatories forms. However DB did not receive one. This is to be followed up.

30 Jul 23: Della Bowley is elected Treasurer

2 Aug 22: BC to forward forms to DF

21 Jul 2021: BC to forward correct forms to DF

8 Jun 2021: Online account completed. DF is to become second signatory.

9 Jul 2020: the committees agrees to remain with Natwest.

30 Nov 2019: Committee agrees to change banks to the Metrobank.

22 Dec 2020: Action reopened. BC to arrange additional signatories for a NatWest online account.


A fixture list should be prepared and presented to the AGM. (DF/CD)

21 Jul 2021: DF and CD would produce a fixture list before the next AGM.

23 Jul 2019: Fixture list to be discussed at Committee meeting.


The website would be upgraded. (WM)

29 Aug 23: DK offered to take on a refurb of the website. WM to pass on administrative access and documentation (Action: WM)

21 Jul 2021: WM noted it was a big job, but it needed to be done.

30 June 2019: Entry system taken out of website. Menu used to link to Sport80/AllEntries. Key factor is to keep emails, which is linked to the entry system – MailChimp has some.

Apr 2019: BC provided a link to Allentries, showing how the Vet’s website had integrated.

Apr 2019: WM consulted with a Wordpress developer.


Present a profit/loss analysis of each competition to the next AGM (BC)

28 Sep 2021: BC to provide options to the next committee for reporting competitions

21 Jul 2021: to be incorporated into BAU

9 Jul 2020: Few county competitions were held due to Covid.

9 Apr 19: BC explained that it would be difficult to unpick the profit/loss of past competitions, but would do so on a rolling basis after the 2019 AGM.


Produce a PDF of competitions and calendar. This would be put onto the website (JW and WM)

9 Jul 2020: Competitions Manager position is vacant.

9 Apr 19: this task now comes under the remit of the Competitions Manager.


Send the competition calendar as mailshot (WM)

9 Apr 2019: A link would be sent to a fixture/info list.

2023 Committee Members

As approved by the Sussex County AGM July 2023

  • Chair - Brian Causton
  • Treasurer - Della Bowley
  • Secretary - Will Miller
  • Competition and Awards Manager - Jim Whelan
  • Welfare Officer - Maggie Maynard
  • Committee Members - Gordon Mankelow, Dan Kew, Cheryl Deamer, Kerem Tohma

2022 Meeting - 2 August






2 August 2022 07:30

Present: Dominic Farrer (DF), Brian Causton (BC), Gordon Mankelow (GM), Jim Whelan (JW), Will Miller (WM), Cheryl Deamer (CD), Maggie Maynard (MM)

  1. Apologies for absence: Della Bowley

  1. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

    1. Updates to outstanding actions are reflected in the attached Progress Against Actions document

  1. 2022 County Junior and SE Region Epee – Review

    1. The committee noted that recent competitions went well, notably the county junior and the SE Epee. One point raised was that county kit should be labelled so that it can be separated easily. This would be done at the next competition. BC would talk to Nigel about this action (Action: BC)

    2. BC noted that first aid was expensive, and GM suggested Rebecca Stanley might be a useful resource, as she is involved with St Johns Ambulance (Action: GM).

    3. MM suggested having “Sussex County” printed on the Sussex pistes and the committee agreed she get a quote (Action: MM)

  1. 2022 Sussex Open – Planning

    1. A competition date of Nov 26 and 27 2022, was agreed, with the epee on Sunday, to not conflict with the Leon Paul women's epee. (This item is discussed further below).

  1. Calendar

    1. Dates were agreed and/or noted as follows:

      1. Oct 1-2, 2022: County Epee, Foil and Sabre

      2. Nov 26 and 27 2022: Sussex Open

      3. 28-29 Jan 2023: BYC (Crawley Club is managing)

      4. Before May 2023: Junior epee, foil and sabre

      5. July (ish) SE Region epee (depending on SE decision-making)

    2. BC would check venue availability for the County events (Action: BC).

    3. CD noted that the Triangle had been pencilled in for the Sussex Open, and will confirm (Action: CD)

    4. AllEntries will be used for the County Event, and Sport80, for the Sussex. (Action: BC)

    5. CD noted that after an audit of unused medals, there was enough for several competitions. CD would circulate the audit by email (Action: CD). BC noted that he has a printer than can label these medals appropriately.

    6. WM is to update the Sussex site with dates (Action: WM)

  1. Treasurer Report

    1. BC tabled an abbreviated P&L, showing Sussex to be £3,609.31 in credit.

  1. AGM Zoom meeting

    1. It was agreed to hold the AGM at the County event in October, so no Zoom meeting is necessary (Action: WM)

  1. AOB

    1. JW noted that the committee needed to consider awards of County Colours and the Geoff Griffin Award. JW to circulate the criteria for the GG award by email (Action: JW). Nominations should be made to the committee by December 2022 (Action: All).

PROGRESS AGAINST ACTIONS (Completed events are shaded. Older completions are deleted.)





BC to speak to Nigel about labelling County gear at the next competition



GM to speak to Rebecca Stanley about First Aid provision at competitions



MM to get a quote for printing “Sussex County” on pistes



BC to check venue availability for the County event, and CD to confirm the Triangle for the Sussex



BC to put the County event on AllEntries, and Sussex on Sport80.



CD to email an audit of unused medals.



WM to update website with known calendar dates.



WM to ensure AGM occurs at County event



JW to circulate criteria for Geoff Griffin Awards



All to consult Clubs for awards of County Colours and Geoff Griffin awards.



WM to update website on Junior date of 14 May (WM)



CD to ask whether Theresa and Phil can be armourers for the County Junior event (CD)



MM to be Welfare officer at the junior event and SE Epee (MM)



CD to consult with Ian Lichfield about a “thank you” for Dave Lichfield (CD)

2 Aug 22: CD noted that IL hasn't been to Crawley Club very frequently.


DF to circulate an editing draft of the Constitution



Source a trophy for the U16 Team Foil (JW)

2 Aug 2022: JW advised that this was complete.

21 Jul 2021: BC has the Sussex Ladies Sabre.

9 Jul 2020: An U16 trophy for epee has been found. Other trophies need to be engraved.


Arrange an online account with dual signatories (BC)

2 Aug 22: BC to forward forms to DF

21 Jul 2021: BC to forward correct forms to DF

8 Jun 2021: Online account completed. DF is to become second signatory.

9 Jul 2020: the committees agrees to remain with Natwest.

30 Nov 2019: Committee agrees to change banks to the Metrobank.

22 Dec 2020: Action reopened. BC to arrange additional signatories for a NatWest online account.


A fixture list should be prepared and presented to the AGM. (DF/CD)

21 Jul 2021: DF and CD would produce a ficture list before the next AGM.

23 Jul 2019: Fixture list to be discussed at Committee meeting.


The website would be upgraded. (WM)

21 Jul 2021: WM noted it was a big job, but it needed to be done.

30 June 2019: Entry system taken out of website. Menu used to link to Sport80/AllEntries. Key factor is to keep emails, which is linked to the entry system – MailChimp has some.

Apr 2019: BC provided a link to Allentries, showing how the Vet’s website had integrated.

Apr 2019: WM consulted with a Wordpress developer.


Present a profit/loss analysis of each competition to the next AGM (BC)

28 Sep 2021: BC to provide options to the next committee for reporting competitions

21 Jul 2021: to be incorporated into BAU

9 Jul 2020: Few county competitions were held due to Covid.

9 Apr 19: BC explained that it would be difficult to unpick the profit/loss of past competitions, but would do so on a rolling basis after the 2019 AGM.


Produce a PDF of competitions and calendar. This would be put onto the website (JW and WM)

9 Jul 2020: Competitions Manager position is vacant.

9 Apr 19: this task now comes under the remit of the Competitions Manager.


Send the competition calendar as mailshot (WM)

9 Apr 2019: A link would be sent to a fixture/info list.


Acquire a further competition level scoring box (BC)

2 Aug 2022: Completed - It was noted that 3 pistes were bought instead.

5 Apr 2022: BC to acquire a Favero box similar to that purchased by B&H club.

21 Jul 2021: The discussion on new equipment continues, revolving around new wifi equipment vs renting boxes and pistes.

9 Apr 19. Meeting confirmed that a Favero ARM5 model was needed.

30 Nov 19: Brian has put in a grant application for a top end box.

21 Dec 2020: BC reported grant was not successful.

2023 AGM - 30 July







30 July 2023

Committee Present: Brian Causton (BC), Jim Whelan (JW), Will Miller (WM), Cheryl Deamer (CD) Gordon Mankelow (GM) Della Bowley (DB)

  1. Apologies for absence: Maggie Maynard (MM), Dominic Farrer (DF)

  2. Matters Arising

    1. WM discussed the expenditure of committee funds on pistes as an investment into fencing in Sussex.

    2. A fixture list for the coming fencing year will be considered by the committee and published, taking into account attendance factors such as: school exam times, half-term and summer holidays, and other fencing competitions.

  3. Chair's Report

    1. The chair (DF) had been called away by a family emergency and no report was made.

  4. Secretary's Report

    1. WM noted the largely successful competition cycle, the inspirational lead that CD had provided in taking competition execution to a higher level, and the investment the committee was making into Sussex fencing.

  5. Treasurer's Report

    1. BC reported the current cash position for the Sussex Fencing Union at 30 July 2023 as £5726, noting that it was up by £2117 from the same date a year ago. This would allow for further investment in Sussex fencing.

  6. Competition and Awards Manager Report

    1. JW noted the success for the past year of competitions, excepting the junior individual and team event. This event proved problematic because of: the higher than anticipated number of entries, the lack of referees, the lack of a clear communication on age group criteria, and the lack of a clear communication on the fencing format.In addition, Crawley FC organised the South East British Youth Championships, which was viewed as a major success.

    2. JW also provided the committee's award of 'Sussex Colours' to elite fencers and administrators who had provided outstanding services to Sussex Fencing, namely: Jamie Briggs, Brian Causton, Harry Green, Isaac Jolley, Chiara McDermot, Rosie Whitaker, and Cheryl Deamer for administrative services. The full report is attached.

  7. Election of Officers

    1. Chair – Brian Causton

    2. Treasurer – Della Bowley

    3. Secretary – Will Miller

    4. Competition and Awards Manager – Jim Whelan

    5. Welfare Officer - Maggie Maynard

    6. Committee Members - Gordon Mankelow, Dan Kew, Kerem Tohma

Meeting adjourned





  1. Format

    1. Alternative competition arrangements were trialled in order to encourage greater participation and focus resources.

    2. Four events have been planned across the 2022-23 season, as follows:

  • All three Senior Individual weapons (Epee, Foil, Sabre) over one weekend (October 2022).

  • The Sussex Open (Epee, Foil, Sabre – November 2022)

  • The Junior series competition (Epee and Foil, U10, U12, U14, U16 and Team Epee on one day – January 2023)

  • All three Senior Team weapons (Epee, Foil, Sabre) on one day (July 2023)

    1. The following events were not held:

  • Junior Team Foil (U14)

  • Novice Foil

  • Foil Style (not awarded)

  • U18 Epee (not awarded)

  1. Competition Participation and Assessment

    1. The following is a brief summary of each set of competitions:

  1. Senior Individual weapons. This was the first time the epee was run since 2020-21 and the first time since 2019-20 for foil and epee. Possibly as a result numbers were, overall, relatively low. The format proved successful, however, and competitors seemed happy with the competitions.

  2. Sussex Open. Overall numbers were in-line with the previous season, although the men’s epee numbers were up above trend and the male sabreur numbers continue to increase. The event was viewed as a great success.

  3. Junior competitions. This set of competitions was less of a success. Various reasons were identified after the event, including a significant increase in entries (+60% on previous season), lack of referees and lack of consistency in some of the event criteria. Lessons have been learnt for next season, including the option of holding the event over a weekend, as per the South East BYCs.

  4. Senior Team. This will be running as the AGM takes place. However, as at time of going to print there were 7 epee teams, 4 foil teams and 3 sabre teams.

    1. In addition, Crawley fencing club organised the South East British Youth Championships. This was viewed as a major success, with other organisers enquiring about the event.

  1. County Colours

    1. There is an outstanding action to award County Colours from 2020. This was for the following individuals:

  • Jamie Briggs;

  • Harry Gray;

  • Isaac Jolley;

  • Chiara McDermot;

  • Rosie Whitacker; and

  • Brian Causton

In addition, the following County Colour was awarded for administrative services:

  • Cheryl Deamer

Jim Whelan

2021 Meeting - 28 September






28 September 2021 07:30


Present: Dominic Farrer (DF), Brian Causton (BC), Jim Whelan (JW), Will Miller (WM), Cheryl Deamer (CD) Gordon Makelow (GM) Maggie Maynard (MM)


  1. Apologies for absence: Dominic Pitman

  1. County Foil Competition – Arrangements

    1. With 8 men and 4 women registered to date, JW to is seek a reduction in the hall size rental. (Action: JW)

    2. Not enough time is available to include juniors in this event. It was noted some school are dropping fencing – St Christophers, was cited as one. DF would consult coaches and schools to see whether December or January, before the Youth BYCs, would be preferred. CD noted that her contact has said schools are involved in Xmas fairs, so January is more likely. DF would also gauge likely numbers (Action: DF).

    3. Boxes and remotes would be checked before the competition (Action: JW).

    4. BC and CD will bring along a spare box . (Action: BC, CD)

    5. An appropriate Covid notice would be put onto AllEntries (Action:DF)

    6. CD noted that armourers would be present.

    7. All members are asked to encourage their club fencers to enter the foil (Action: ALL)

  2. Sussex Open - Planning

    1. DF noted that to date, numbers were high (22 WF, 22 WE, 1 WS, 45 MF, 55 ME, 10 MS) and on Stripe was a £5122. Cost would still need to be taken from this sum. Committee members should encourage more WS entries. (Action:ALL)

    2. That the entire venue hall is booked would be confirmed. (Action: DF)

    3. Pistes would be picked up from Millfield, either by BC son’s (with payment) or if BC lends his van to DF. Boxes and possibly pistes would be hired from PBT. Another possible option is to hire a van. CD also would also explore the possibility of using some of her contacts to retrieve equipment. (Action:BC, DF, CD)

    4. Excalibur Sports would provide an equipment shop. CD noted that Crawley armourers could attend and would also ask David Lichfield to be present. (Action: CD)

  3. Constitution

    1. As the constitution is becoming dated, DF would circulate an edited version for consideration. (Action: DF)

    2. Note that normally changes to a club constitution are voted on at an AGM, with the amendments promulgated in advance.

  4. Competition P&L

    1. WM asked that a full P&L for competitions be provided to the committee, noting that such accounts been provided for many years now, and is essential for transparency; also, that such a paper trail would be necessary for an audit of accounts. BC was to explore options for providing accounts of competitions (Action: BC)

  1. AOB

    1. Grants applications have been asked for via British Fencing. BC noted that the funder Azure require a broker to be a sponsor. GM said that British Fencing ask that those interested need to contact to British Fencing to get the required broker details.

Meeting adjourned.


PROGRESS AGAINST ACTIONS (Completed events are shaded. Older completions are deleted.)






JW to seek a reduction in the hall size rental for county foil. (JW)



DF to consult with coaches and schools for best date an numbers for a junior foil (DF)



Boxes and remotes to be checked before County Foil (JW)



As backup, a spare box to be brought to the County Foil (BC, CD)



An appropriate Covid notice would be put onto AllEntries (DF)



All members to encourage fencers to enter the County Foil and Women Sabreurs for the Sussex Open (ALL)



DF to confirm entire hall booked for Sussex Open



Pistes would be picked up from Millfield, either by BC son’s (with payment) or if BC lends his van to DF. CD would ask her contacts whether they can pick up gear for Sussex Open.



CD to ask David Lichfield to attend Sussex Open as armourer.



DF to circulate an editing draft of the Constitution



Source a trophy for the U16 Team Foil (JW)

21 Jul 2021: BC has the Sussex Ladies Sabre.

9 Jul 2020: An U16 trophy for epee has been found. Other trophies need to be engraved.


Arrange an online account with dual signatories (BC)

21 Jul 2021: BC to forward correct forms to DF

8 Jun 2021: Online account completed. DF is to become second signatory.

9 Jul 2020: the committees agrees to remain with Natwest.

30 Nov 2019: Committee agrees to change banks to the Metrobank.

22 Dec 2020: Action reopened. BC to arrange additional signatories for a NatWest online account.


A fixture list should be prepared and presented to the AGM. (DF/CD)

21 Jul 2021: BF and CD would produce a fixture list before the next AGM.

23 Jul 2019: Fixture list to be discussed at Committee meeting.


The website would be upgraded. (WM)

21 Jul 2021: WM noted it was a big job, but it needed to be done.

30 June 2019: Entry system taken out of website. Menu used to link to Sport80/AllEntries. Key factor is to keep emails, which is linked to the entry system – MailChimp has some.

Apr 2019: BC provided a link to Allentries, showing how the Vet’s website had integrated.

Apr 2019: WM consulted with a Wordpress developer.


Present a profit/loss analysis of each competition to the next AGM (BC)

28 Sep 2021: BC to provide options to the next committee for reporting competitions

21 Jul 2021: to be incorporated into BAU

9 Jul 2020: Few county competitions were held due to Covid.

9 Apr 19: BC explained that it would be difficult to unpick the profit/loss of past competitions, but would do so on a rolling basis after the 2019 AGM.


Produce a PDF of competitions and calendar. This would be put onto the website (JW and WM)

9 Jul 2020: Competitions Manager position is vacant.

9 Apr 19: this task now comes under the remit of the Competitions Manager.


Send the competition calendar as mailshot (WM)

9 Apr 2019: A link would be sent to a fixture/info list.


Acquire a further competition level scoring box (BC)

21 Jul 2021: The discussion on new equipment continues, revolving around new wifi equipment vs renting boxes and pistes.

9 Apr 19. Meeting confirmed that a Favero ARM5 model was needed.

30 Nov 19: Brian has put in a grant application for a top end box.

21 Dec 2020: BC reported grant was not successful.